Corbynistas insist on reinstating dear leader because they know no one can hate on them Jews like he does.
No other leftist leader has ever had the guts and pluckiness to glorify and befriend Jew killers quite like Jeremy Corbyn did. How can he ever be replaced?
The mind boggles on the persistence of this cult to assume in the entire UK, they cannot find a new crank with "less" antisemitism and genocide denial to lead them to the promised land, other than Corbyn.
It would be one thing if the man could win elections. No, the man has brought monumental shame to the party that has not experienced such devastating loss for decades.
What conclusions can one draw from this state of disgrace?
The conclusion is that Corbynistas are attracted to the normalization of rank antisemitism, genocide denial, standing at the feet of dictators & human rights abusers on behalf of an ideology that should have vanished from our vocabulary after previous believers murdered millions.
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