How to expose ALL swamp dwellers at the same time?

1: Paint them into a do-or-die corner.
2: They know that if The Don wins, they're toast.
3: Force them to throw nothing but desperate Hail Mary's.
4: Track and record EVERYTHING.
5: Give them false hope that their guy won.
6: Allow/encourage MSM & SM platforms to amplify the false narrative; expose them, too.
7: Rile conservatives into a frenzy by allowing their candidates to "lose" by having the election stolen.
8: Demonstrate how votes are lost, flipped, destroyed, etc.
9: Even moderate D's will admit they'd be upset if their votes were entered and then flipped to R's.
10: Get hard-core D's to begin questioning their own party-centric thinking by introducing post-birth infanticide (and passing it off as abortion), pushing New Green Deal, con't
... ensuring Pelosi, Schumer, Schiff, Waters and Nadler made a sh*t show of the House, making AOC+3 the "face" of your party, etc.
11: Sending MSM a copy of Unterhay's aptoplay; forcing them to report the crimes (ending Joe's run) or hiding the contents and committing felonies.
12: Sending in the US Army to snatch the server(s) that contain evidence of foreign interference AND hard data that DJT won in a landslide.
13: Forcing Sidney and Rudy to stay at the end of their leashes, gnarling and snarling, foaming at the mouth, and when the timing... JUST right, yell, "Sic 'em!"

p.s.: If so moved, can also introduce all the similar tactics that Hussein used in '12 and was used against us in '16 and '18 as well.

Not sexy, but inescapable.

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