Really excited for @keystonelemur's talk at #rubyconf2020!

Brandon's suit game though is 👩‍🍳💋
"No matter how much I learn, there will always be people that know so much more, and that's EXCITING! That means there's so much more I can learn" ~ @keystonelemur

Expert Archetype 1

The Hero: The One Who Saves The Day.

Weakness: Isolate engineers earlier in their careers & when they left, they took all the knowledge with them.

Solution: Programming is not a solo journey!

"We grow together, not alone!" ~ @keystonelemur

The Hero, con'd:

Strength: A true hero brings those around them to new levels and grow themselves in the experience.

#rubyconf2020 @keystonelemur
Expert Archetype 2

The Discerner: Can see what others can't.

Weakness: Nitpicking at code styles and the irrelevant, but miss bigger issues.

Solution: Code style doesn't matter. Let linters do their jobs.

#rubyconf2020 @keystonelemur
The Discerner, con'd:

"The only mistakes worth pointing out are ones that could cause harm." ~ @keystonelemur

Strength: Spotting gaps others have missed and bring plans on how to correct them.

#rubyconf2020 @keystonelemur
Archetype 3

The Creator: Can take a problem and give immediate solution

Weakness: Abundance of arrogance, lack of collaboration. "Why did this take other people so long?"

Solution: Step back and listen. Trust those around you.

#rubyconf2020 @keystonelemur
The Creator, con'd:

Strength: Ability to grasp work they themselves are not involved in and provide guidance.

#rubyconf2020 @keystonelemur
Archetype 4

The Authority: Product of years of accumulated knowledge.

Weakness: Arrogance and bullying. "My opinion is law." Lack of humility.

Solution: Stop & listen. Know that there are always something to learn. Ask questions, rather than talk.

#rubyconf2020 @keystonelemur
The Authority, con'd:

Strength: They have a lot to share and can condense into simpler answers, that will help your team grow.

#rubyconf2020 @keystonelemur
Wrap up:

Expertise can be dangerous when pursued with ill intent.
Experts rely on each other.
Experts are constant source of inspiration and learning.
Programming is NEVER a solo effort and NEVER will be.

#rubyconf2020 @keystonelemur
@keystonelemur: I am a community-made man and giving back to the community is how we grow. The ruby community is one of the best out there.

"Go out and be amazing." ~ @keystonelemur

Thank you for the inspiration. You are one of my favorite Experts.

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