I have often asked myself how come jews are so loathed & detested that there is a word for it.

David Irving mentions this occasionally, he (like me) understands why we are loathed and detested, we have no respect for jews.

This lack of respect is seen by jews as “hate”.

A Jew tweets or posts on forums things I and many others find repugnant.

This leads to me and many who read the repulsive words to feel contempt for the writer.

Often we are unaware that the writer is a jew at the start, but all too soon we get to know.

A few minutes reading David Baddiel, Tracey Ann-Oberman and countless others leaves me feeling disgust and contempt for the repugnant nature of their writings.

I cannot respect them, their views, their attitudes.

If they knew this, they like many others would hate me.

I have first hand experience of this.

The ironic aspect to this is that in all instances I have given the jew in question a chance to moderate my loathing of what they have done or said.

Instead my repugnance is met by hatred.

It has always been the jew that ramps up.

As an example I will mention a jewish Lawyer that goes by the anglicised name of Mark Lewis.

This repugnant man has been visited by the black-winged angel of misfortune and pain and suffers from MS

Around 2015 this evil troll started stalking women on twitter.

His language was in line with his heritage in that it was perversely sexual in language, intent and sentiment.

I tried to mediate a less vile response from him toward these women.
This did not work but rather than take stock and moderate his words he said the same perverse words toward me.

I tried to calm him but once this jew sucked in enough air to energise him he screamed insults anew at all 3 of us.

I let him have his head so that he might burn himself out.

But no, this jew screamed insults and every time I dared to retail his low rent insults that hurt him more than me he screamed in pain to twitter.

Yet it was he that started the insults, ramped them up so that in the end he left the U.K. claiming on LBC Radio that I was part of the reason he was moving to Israel.

By this time been censured by his own professional body for what he had said to these women.

Any decent person could & should readily see that such behaviour from an educated jewish lawyer commands not one ounce of respect from us.

No contrition, just more lies, half truths and that most jewish of all traits... crying ‘VICTIM’ whilst striking out needlessly.

I now come to this “CRY-BULLY” trait that I have observed in the jew on the internet.

I again have tried very hard to understand this really perverse trait in the media presence of jews.

My conclusion is not satisfactory to me but it’s as good as I can manage for now.

When jews first enter a Country they display neither of the traits I mention above, they try to gain respect from us and they never bully let alone cry-bully.

They are very like the 1st generation Muslim we all have come to know.
It’s the following generation that is the problematic grouping.

Just as the 2nd Generation (postwar) Muslim is often a belligerent thuglife type of cretin it is the 2nd Generation (postwar) jew that is problematic.

The Muslim is motivated by a feeling of entitlement, we see this everywhere the Muslim congregates in this Country.

The gathering reeks of unjustified entitlement.

From taking over a Recreation Park to pray... to beheadings... its all entitlement.

The 2nd (postwar) jew is no different in this as far as I can see.

It is manifest in different ways but I can see no fundamental difference, except one.

It is my view that the jew has far more unjustified entitlement per capita than the most obnoxious Muslim ever exhibits.

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