Below is an exchange I had yesterday w/ an #adoption #agency. It's nothing out of the ordinary--in fact, it's quite typical, sadly. But I want you to see it. REALLY see it. THINK about it. 1/
If you were to ask me what makes a successful adoption, I'd have answered, "an adoption that doesn't have to happen." Because I'd much rather see resources go to helping scared, vulnerable women facing an unplanned pregnancy keep their families together. 2/
Family preservation should always be goal #1. Most women don't even need much help. I'd rather see the privileged actually HELPING the marginalized instead of simply helping themselves to their children. Why? Because in most cases, that's what most benefits BABY. 3/
Adoption is never necessary. I know that not every woman wants to be a mother, & I know that some children do require care. But care doesn't have to mean legally severing a child from its mother, siblings, family, identity, ancestry, & heritage. 4/
It shouldn't be dependent on changing names, falsifying birth certificates w/ lies, sealing records & docs. For care to be truly selfless, no benefit to the carer should be required, & imo, anyone who demands ownership of a child in exchange for its care isn't FIT to parent. 5/
So. My definition of care would be, "providing a baby/child genuinely in need w/ a home, love, safety, stability, education, etc., while preserving its identity & actively maintaining connections to family, culture, & heritage." That is NOT #adoption . 6/
I'm #adopted . I want you 2 know that #adoption doesn't exist 2 benefit adoptees. Loads of ppl think it does, because that's what the adoption #industry has led society 2 believe. It's the dominant narrative. But it's BS. Adoption serves adopters. ITS CU$TOMERS. No one else. 7/
It is an industry--a $13 billion per yr BUSINESS. It convinces (mostly) young, vulnerable, marginalized women to surrender their infants, & it sells (yes, SELLS) those infants to (mostly) privileged adults willing to pay exorbitant amounts of $$$ for them. 8/
Don't fall for the con. Do your research. Read. Dig. Dissect. Think outside the dominant narrative. Discuss. Learn. #Adoptees are the experts on #adoption . Listen to us. ALL OF US. 9/9 #NAAM #NAAM2020 #adopteevoices #familypreservation #birthmother #unplannedpregnancy
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