The system of Your body is in either a catabolic or anabolic state, either breaking down or building up, this relates to alkaline or acidic. Alkaline is high vibration and anabolic while acid is lower vibration and catabolic....
Certain foods enhance our energy and vibration and others diminish it. It is truly that simple. ALL DISEASE, including cancer and heart disease as well as aging are the result of decreases in vibrational energy....
When Your vibration drops below a certain level it triggers those natural forces within your body and in your environment to begin to disincorporate Your body. Which means that it is preparing to return you to the Earth....
When ANYTHING dies the cells of that body immediately lose their vibration and become acidic. This acidic state is a “signal” to microbes that it is time to decompose this material. ALL dead flesh is acidic in nature, this means ANY kind of meat...
...anything that once had life and is now dead is acidic in nature...

When We allow a decrease in energy due to the foods We eat we open our bodies up to sickness and disease. When you eat foods that are higher alkaline they are easily metabolised...
...and the waste products are quickly removed with very little energetic expense. However, when one eats highly acidic foods the waste products are acid based and the lower vibration crystalline materials create blockages in the vibratory level of our cells....
This is where sickness and disease set in. Microbes are designed to sense the acid, when they do they automatically begin to deconstruct the body. When we allow our bodies to become acidic we invite the attacks of these microbes...
...when we actually ingest dead flesh we are personally contributing to the destruction of our own vibratory levels and setting off the acidic triggers that call on the microbes...
When We eat that which is already dead, We are inviting death into our bodies in the form of microbes due to the acid. When we eat vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds and so on that still have their vibration intact and are also alkaline We are eating Life....
If you only allow yourself to listen to your SELF instead of the ego side that “loves bacon”, You will understand that what iam speaking of is truth. In Ancient Times We did not have all of the diseases on an “epidemic” scale as You have today...
It is so because people choose to pollute their bodies with highly acidic diets which send the signals to the microbes to come and finish You off. This is EXACTLY why some people get sick and some don’t...
You can have two people exposed to the same virus and one will get ill and the other won’t. It is because one’s system is already acidic and on the verge of decay already and the other is strong because it is more alkaline and higher vibration...
It is the inner being that makes the difference, the vibratory state which is your defense against illness, disease and aging. Now, the good news! Even if you have been following a highly acidic diet the negative effects can be reversed quite quickly by....
....transitioning to a higher alkaline diet. Your cells of your body renew themselves, so you can effectively have a new body in a short time. Of course if you have a lot of damage it can take longer but the sooner you begin, the sooner You will be better...
We must eat that which is closest to Source Energy, what is Source Energy? The Sun. The same energy that is transferred during photosynthesis is the same that powers our bodies, obviously the closer to source the better....
This is why vegetables, fruits, seeds, and nuts are the primary choices but the vast majority of them are also highly alkaline with few exceptions. You do not have to get sick, you do not have to be susceptible to disease, you do not have to age prematurely...
In combination with eating an alkaline diet and embracing the DNA changes that are occurring because of the evolutionary process happening right now you can reverse or slow it down...
Once you begin to eat this way you will also begin to be open to the inner energy sources that are available to you and you will become an efficient receiver of energy from the Sun as well and you will find the need to eat even less.
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