
The American two-party system is based on the fact that the Founding Fathers really wanted rule by consensus by an enlightened oligarchy. The problem was that the ruling class immediately started disagreeing about things.

The first time the American ruling class split into rival factions was leading up to the opening of military hostilities and the beginning of the Revolutionary War. Individuals who supported independence called themselves "Whigs" and called loyalists "Tories."

After independence was won, as debates over the inadequate government envisioned in the Articles of Confederation became more intense those who wanted a stronger central government called themselves "Federalists."

Those opposed were "antifederalists."

After the ratification of the Constitution, the ruling class formed a government. Opposition to that government was not born of working class hardship.

Thomas Jefferson's Democratic Republican Party was founded to oppose the government's fiscal policy.

It's very easy to fall into modern linguistic traps of "big government" versus "small government."

What was really at debate was government by elected/appointed officials and government by landowners. Hamilton's fiscal program required bureaucrats.

In England, conflicts between large landowners and the crown had greatly strengthened the crown at the landowners' expense. The Tudors and Stuarts reduced the great aristocrats' power by making them subordinate to royal bureaucrats.

When a Jeffersonian spoke about "liberty," they typically meant their right of ownership of their property and their place between their dependents and the government. The power of a government bureaucrat eliminated many personal obligations to a landlord.

It's worth nothing that, under Jefferson and his Democratic Republican successors, the landlords would win. The charter of the First Bank of the United States was allowed to expire, the wealthy retained control of access to land and water, and slavery boomed.

The Federalists didn’t survive Jefferson’s Presidency outside New England. De facto one party rule followed until a Democratic Republican schism.

Andrew Jackson lost an election to John Quincy Adams, loudly proclaimed he was cheated, and started his own party

Andrew Jackson built the Democratic Party on the grievance myth that he had been cheated by snotty Yankees. It was the end of the Democratic Republican Party. John Quincy Adams ran for re-election as a “National Republican” and lost to Jackson.
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