Leftist twitter: we really need to move away from ripping each other apart for the smallest things. Let's talk about the current IPR subtweeting going on. [Thread]
The kind, inclusive, and thoughtful folks at IPR just made a public job posting advertising someone to work with them. https://www.indeedjobs.com/indie-press-revolution/jobs/6ae46592e7b9329204e5
I have seen four major critiques going on. I have only seen one of these four points where someone has been thoughtful enough to reach out for clarification with the company.
So, let's look at the substantive criticism has been leved. "It's only $9.25 / hour for a management position"? You will note that none of the job responsibilities involve supervision. It's a title giving autonomy and negotiating power.
"Seriously, $9.25 an hour?" Yes. Minimum wage in Nevada is $8.25. They are paying more than many, many employers in the state and are not intentionally exposing staff to Covid unlike the multinationals.
The game industry, particularly in the rpg space, and particularly in indie games, is _desperately_ underfunded in large part due to the fact that publishers are undercharging for our books. IPR is doing all of us a solid and is the most indie-friendly distribution outlet.
"But, it's in small-town Nevada!". Yes, lovers of games who are unemployed or in the general region might be interested, especially for a job during a massive economic downturn and pandemic.
"But it's in small-town Nevada!" Yes. The only place is affordable enough for an indie RPG warehouse. You can't pack boxes of books or work at a warehouse remotely, last I checked."
They also mention that the cost of living in this small town is very low, which means that $9.25/hour has far more buying power than the same wage in the Bay Area or NYC.
There is one point of reasonable concern, being the requirement of "politely noncommittal" when faced with offensive opinions at a convention. The bigger problem is that the broader community continues to allow some really toxic people at these events in the first place.
I know the actual management at the company would 1000% have the backs of any of their employees and step in to protect them to the best of their ability.
What that sentence really meant was "please don't deck the customers, even if they deserve it. Escalate it to us to deal with." Which, you know, is reasonable.
This is not a soulless multi-national trying to hire folks for 39 hours a week to avoid giving out healthcare. This is a tiny small business in the gaming industry offering _better_ than many other employers, actively hiring LGBTQ folks, and treating them well.
I am not saying that everyone should flock from California high-tech jobs to work in a rural warehouse, but people are taking too much pleasure about ripping apart good people for offering something _they_ wouldn't want.
Twitter is specifically designed the give us endorphin boosts for our hot takes, but lashing out at our own is only making things harder for people trying to do the right thing. Let's do better, my friends. There are more than enough bastards who do actually deserve criticism.
My collective apologies, by the way, if my first tweet gave the impression that I was minimizing the validity of the criticism.
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