Nevan @KroganLab up now: >40 labs at QBI joined to form QCRG (QBI Coronavirus Research Group at UCSF ), collaborating with groups around the world aiming for pan-pathogenic strategies (for "COVID-21, COVID-22, …")

Identified 66 druggable targets/69 drugs
📄 A SARS-CoV-2 Protein Interaction Map Reveals Targets for Drug Repurposing
– high-confidence human PPI map
– plasmids to 378 labs in 42 countries  was made by a film co (who connected via Twitter's @biz) !
Initially (with collaborators at Pasteur & Mt Sinai) used Vero6 green monkey cell lines and plaque assays, now using human lines, tested 2/3 of candidates

10 agents showing efficacy:
Protein translation/biogenesis inhibitors: zotatifin, & ternatin-4/plitidepsin (inhibits eIF1a)
…plus several putative/known SigmaR1/SigmaR2 modulators:
- Antihistamines (cloperastine, clemastine)
- Antipsychotics (haloperidol, melperone)
- Antimalarials (HCQ)
- Hormone (progesterone)
- Antianxiety (siramesine)
- Preclinical (PB28 and PD-144418)
Genetic validation of pharmacological inhibition of p38 pathway, a number of cancer pharmas now segueing to COVID pharms

Looked at filopodia formation with Elizabeth Fischer & Robert Grosse: actin-like protrusions in infected cells: virus infects other cells independent of ACE2
Working model: a couple of viral proteins are hijacking pathways (casein kinase 2) involved in cytoskeletal formation so virus can transfer cell-cell more efficiently. Also Nsp7 manipulating another pathway involving Rho

Lot of lovely/creepy tentacle EM pics by Elizabeth Fischer
San Fran Chronicle asked for a list of 10 most promising compounds, 7 of 10 now in clinical trials. Aplidin is eIF1A inhib, used in myeloma by Spanish co PharmaMar

HEK293T-ACE2 cells show aplidin 30x more potent than remdesivir (in mice)
Work by Kris White & Adolfo Garcia-Sastre
Orf9b exists with SARS-CoV-1/2 but not MERS, localises ("quintessentially") to mitochondria
🧪 Genetically validated with siRNA knockdowns in A459-ACE2, and CRISPR knockouts in Caco-2
🧬 73 genes genetically confirmed out of 332 interacting human proteins

Many other screens (~5)
ORF9b found physically associated with TOMM70, mitochondrial chaperone (so consistent with localisation)

QCRG struct. bio. consortium (led by Rosenberg & Verba), ~60 students/postdocs set up biochem/ pipelines to validate in 18 different labs: got CryoEM of Tom70-Orf9b
Sites highly phosphorylated in infection are inhibiting this interaction, suggests that separating this complex can help fight the virus

Orf9b "shape shifter": potentially key node for SARS-CoV-1, 2, and [potentially future] "SARS-CoV-3"
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