1/n Today, I logged in and found a DM from someone I don't follow, & who I didn't know at all. My DM's are open to all; so far, abuse of that has been very low. The DM was only a really stupid gif of a pig defecating. That's strange, I thought, why me? So I followed it up.
2/n It all turns out, @lollazymer has deep problems, one of which is telling the difference between "communal" and "commune". Use a dictionary for the hard words, @lollazymer! (yes, this perp was talking about me).
3/n I did a whole thread to explain to your privileged, totally ignorant, American self, @lollazymer, all about village communal toilets. I hope you've learnt by now the difference between communal and commune? https://twitter.com/Gurdur/status/1328742057582661638
5/n Whoever the anon rando sicko @lollazymer actually is, @lollazymer is very proud of the education @lollazymer is getting, but if you ask me, @lollazymer needs to learn some basic words too.
6/n Whoever the anon rando sicko @lollazymer actually is, @lollazymer decided to abuse my open DM's by sending a really stupid gif with no explanation, so let's hope @lollazymer is never so stupidly hypocritical to complain of abuse online.
7/7 Well now, @lollazymer has let me know the low opinion of me. I am so deeeply hurt some pig-ignorant, privileged, whacko anon rando has a low opinion of me, so terribly wounded. I DO find the below from some idiot totally ignorant of the Third World to be badly ironic, tho
One final word: abusing me does not change my mind about anything, and persuades me of nothing more than that the abuser is a cretin. Oh, and abuse doesn't scare or shut me up.
Cheers, @lollazymer, make sure to buy a dictionary, in case of all long words that confuse you.
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