Here, I will describe an online phenomenon that I call the "cuck cycle". It accurately portrays at least 70% of "dissident" accounts on twitter.

STEP 1: Trump does something profoundly embarrassing or damaging to white people and white interests.
We first saw this in 2017 when Trump launched strikes against air bases in Syria, breaking an important campaign promise.

Alt right e-celebs like Mike Peinovich and Paul Kersey were furious and vowed never to support Trump ever again. Trump's apologists went into defense mode.
STEP 2: Trump does something to temporarily white pill the masses. This is always a stupid token gesture like a VERY BASED TWEET, or an empty promise that never materializes.

(Key example: Trump promising to designate antifa as a terror group.)
These same dorks (who publicly withdrew their support for Trump earlier) are now firmly back on the Trump / MAGA / GOP train.

In a cowardly fashion, many of them will delete their earlier tweets to erase any record of their previous disavowal of Trump. TRS did this publicly.
ALTERNATE STEP 2: Some non-whites do something egregious to offend white people (e.g. a Korean bitch at the NYT promoting cruelty toward "old white men"), or blacks riot after a n*g commits suicide by cop.

Then the narrative becomes: "Yeah Trump ain't great, but THE LEFT"
STEP 3: Online accounts start boosting Trump again, using either fear or disingenuous hope to corral the masses back onto the MAGA train.

It's either "yeah Trump broke some promises, but he'll be better in the future" or "if you don't vote GOP, n*groes will rape your kids!"
It is not uncommon to see dissident accounts that cycle from 1 to 3 multiple times within a single year - that is, if they manage not to get their accounts suspended.

Inconsistency is a stain on any man's character. It's a symptom of poor discernment and weak moral resolve.
I will unconditionally block any account that I see entertaining the cuck cycle. These types are worse than useless.

Trump is like a shitty ex-boyfriend that they never seem to quit ("but BABY, you promised me you'd change!" *pimp slap*). Not even massive beatings are enough.
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