How 6 Simple Ideas Made Me 7 Figures In My Thirties


Let’s go 👇
Conventional career advice hasn’t kept up with the times.
-Get a degree
-Go $150k in debt
-Work a job for 40 years
-Stay loyal to your employer
This "get rich slow" ploy only worked in an analog, pre-globalized society.

You probably feel in your gut something is wrong with this. This plan was great 40 years ago, but the world has moved on.

It’s time for you to take a new approach if you want to keep up.
I’m nothing special. If this approach can work for me, it can work for you.
1: Use Leverage to Throttle Up
Time consists of small numbers 5 days/week. 50 weeks/year.

To amass wealth, you need large numbers working for you. Also known as leverage.
In a digitized, globalized world, who does best?
People who channel creative, productive energy into high-scale businesses.

Leverage also applies to relationships. A good reputation and network are force multipliers. They lead to better opportunities, more money, and more happiness.

To build leverage you must...
2: Get Equity In A Business.

In the past, many professions offered moderate upside with limited risk.

Today, low-risk jobs are a mirage.
Upside comes from equity in high leverage businesses:

1. Products & Distribution
2. Real estate
3. Software
4. Media
All of these businesses have scale, meaning they can create value independent of your time.
It can be someone else’s business or your own. The only thing that matters is you have an ownership stake.

The sooner you grasp this, the better.

To get equity, you should…
3: Focus On Valuable Skills

Forget credentials.

I spent $150k on graduate school. But literally everything I do to make money I learned online/books for $150 or less.

Do good work. Good work means good reputation. Good reputation means good opportunities.

Also, you should…
4: Learn To Sell.

People discount the value of sales because, when done well, sales is hidden.

Sales bridges the gap between needs and solutions. Sales are built on relationships.
This makes sales very valuable. And very hard to automate.

Being able to sell yourself- through telling a valuable story and networking- is the ultimate sales skill.

To sell yourself confidently…
5: Develop A Talent Stack.

In a global world, being top 1% in any one skill is hard.

But being in the top 20% in multiple skills is achievable.
The resulting "talent stack" will put you in the top 1% in terms of success.

Layer together complementary skills like sales and public speaking. Or copywriting and UX.
Combine skills to deliver impeccable results. Use those results to acquire ownership stakes in thriving businesses.

And then one last thing…
6: Bias Towards Action.

In the past, learning new skills was expensive because it required in-person instruction.

A status quo bias made sense in that environment: Making the wrong choice about a school, skill, or career was costly and hard to correct.
A status quo bias made sense in that environment: Making the wrong choice about a school, skill, or career was costly and hard to correct.

That’s no longer true…
Today, learning and education are democratized through the internet. If you choose the wrong school, skill, or career, you can switch gears.

In this environment, you don't need to get it perfect up front.

Try things. Learn fast. Repeat.
As physical location becomes less important, the ability to expand your network grows inversely.

Take action to meet new people, find new opportunities, and grow.

What worked in the past doesn't work today.

Today is a new day.
To succeed today, you should:

1. Use Leverage
2. Get equity in a business
3. Focus on valuable skills
4. Learn to sell
5. Build a talent stack
6. Take action and grow your network
That's all, friends! As always, RT the top tweet if you liked this.

And feel free to hit me up in my DMs if you want to knw more.
You can follow @LifeHornsWay.
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