The Army was rescued by the naval/air interdiction campaign, which deprived the Axis forces of the means to continue the battle, and the @RoyalAirForce's success in the air battle, where it dominated over the fuel-/bomb-deprived Axis air forces 4/ @mike_bechthold @AlexFitzBlack
CRUSADER marked, by a few days, the first check to German ambition on land. It would be dwarfed by what was to unfold in Russia while it was still underway, but nevertheless, a marker had been set. The extent of strategic overextension of Germany was now clear. 10/ @NavalHistWar
Despite what was to happen in the Far East, and certainly without knowing it at the time, CRUSADER was the end of the beginning. A relentless chain of seemingly easy victories had been broken. The seemingly undefeatable German war machine had been defeated. @smooreBofB1940 11/
The start of 1942 would see the fortunes of the Empire wane again, but this was temporary. In reality the Axis was not in a position to recover from the losses in infrastructure and shipping it had suffered in the campaign in late 1941. @garius @ReassessHistory @AeroGremlin 12/
The foundation for Germany's defeat had thus been laid onto the grounds of the desert outside Tobruk by the 118,000 men of Eighth Army, and marked in the waters and skies of the Mediterranean by the sailors and airmen of the Empire forces @FPozzar @FPComd @NavalAirHistory 11/ends
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