I'm going to get all "pastory" here for a moment. It's become common to say that someone has always been rotten. We don't want to talk about moral rot or temptation anymore. We don't want to believe that good people can become bad people by the choices they make. 1/ https://twitter.com/ZackCz/status/1328735419228426240
I don't know Lindsey Graham's heart. But observing his actions of the years, it's hard for me to believe that he has always been this ruthless. My guess is that he got this point by making one bad compromise. And then another, and another... 2/
Until he got to the point where he is urging the secretary of state of another state to throw out legal ballots. None of this makes Graham innocent or a victim. He is responsible for each choice he made. He is a moral agent making choices. 3/
One reason I don't like the "this is who is he is" argument is that it allows us to "otherize" the guilty and tells ourselves we could never be like that. But we are capable of temptation and downfall too. 4/
To know who Graham used to be and who he is now, makes me sad. It also reminds me to keep alert and not fall into temptations. The moral compromises Graham made cost him his soul. END
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