The following exposé is brought you by the Anonymous Comrades Collective with special commendations to key comrades @161partisan and @utah161 and numerous unnamed colleagues. A more comprehensive article is available here
Recently, a self admitted Nazi using the name Oto666Yamaguchi made waves with claims about “war driving” and creating a mobile honey pot to capture identifying information from Antifa “rioters”.
The claim was quickly debunked and it became apparent that the information was both several years old and culled from publicly available social media posts.
Despite the poor quality & bogus claims, the intent of this info dump was to endanger activists. This was a call for violence and harassment in a wildly irresponsible and un-vetted format. This is a target list, gathered in the most careless and discriminate fashion.
Of course, this will not go unanswered. It was easily shown that the purported Nazi technical wizardry was a fraud and a faildox but it goes beyond that. This is a huge OPSEC self own and is going to lead to the exposure of the people responsible for it.
Nazi @Oto666Yamaguchi suggests that this is his own research but an analysis of the files showed that of the 2,141 files in the download, 1,446 were created by someone else entirely.
Looking at the associated metadata we see that the primary author of this dangerous and sloppy data dump is one Chadwick Jason Seagraves.
Chadwick Jason Seagraves goes by the twitter alias “Elias McMahone” @/roostersghost, a high ranking Proud Boy from North Carolina. He previously went as @/infosciphi. This name is probably not unfamiliar to Antifascist researchers.
Chadwick Jason Seagraves has a masters degree in library science and is currently an IT Manager for North Carolina State University in Raleigh.

Perhaps Chadwick Seagraves, M.S.L.S needs a new accreditation: Chadwick Seagraves, F.A.F.O.
Chadwick Seagraves is not just a run of the mill Proud Boy, he was ]President of the North Carolina chapter. Here he is in his official capacity alongside fellow Proud Boy & prominent neo-Nazi Augustus Invictus at an anti-Islam march in Chapel Hill in June of 2017.
"user":{"id":912842338136928261,"id_str":"912842338136928261","name":"Elias McMahone","screen_name":"roostersghost","location":"Raleigh, NC","url":null,"description":"State President: NC Proud Boys Official. Father. Husband. Patriot. Trump Supporter. Constitutional Conservative.
A quick glance at Chadwick Seagrave’s employer NCSU’s Non-Discrimination policies shows that Chadwick’s activities seem contrary to University values.
While we do not have access to Chadwick’s work schedule, it is worth pointing out that a huge amount of these documents were created on weekdays during normal work hours.
We are not being hyperbolic when pointing out that this act was intended to intimidate and threaten alleged activists. Look at this random sampling of comments from a gun enthusiasts forum which propose violence towards the subjects of this massive data dump.
Not surprisingly, its even worse on the Chans.
Chadwick Seagraves aka Elias McMahone had been trying for a while to distribute this data. Here he is on July 17, 2019 trying to get it into the hands of Fascist propagandist Jack Posobiec.
Seems like a good spot to add this
Chadwick Seagraves is very persistent in his claims that the SPLC identified hate group The Proud Boys is just a conservative drinking club.
Perhaps that might explain Chadwick Seagraves 2017 arrest for DUI and drug possession. Not so Proud of your Boy. Don’t drink and drive kids.
From the drunk tank to the DUNK TANK!
Chadwick Seagraves trumpets the Proud Boy party line of not being racists but notice here his use of the coded racist slang of “joggers” to refer to black people. “Joggers” is, of course, a reference to the murder of Ahmaud Arbery whilst jogging by a pair of racist vigilantes.
Chadwick Seagraves is absolutely a bigot. His transphobia and homophobia is constant and effusive.
Chadwick Seagraves also brags about being “Toxically Masculine”. Is that another name for “Sex Pest”? This dude has a real penchant for creepy interactions with women on the internet.
He's married, ladies.
OnTuesday, November 12, 2019 at 3:57 pm, 45 year old Chadwick Seagraves, posting on Twitter as Elias McMahone publicly attacked a young student at NCSU with a series of claims that he was a supporter of “Islamic terrorism.”
Chadwick Seagraves, employee of NCSU based the claim of islamic terror sympathies on a line in the student's twitter profile which dedicated his posts to the “brave Mujahideen fighters of Afghanistan.” Which is A FUCKING JOKE, IT IS FROM THE CREDITS OF RAMBO!!!!!!!
Pour one out....
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