The Great Reset

* What was it?
* Who was behind it?
* How did it work?
* How did it impact people?

Extracts from the works of Dr Emmanuel Goldstein, Nov 2053


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The history of the world, since the end of the second world war, can be broadly split into three eras:

* The Post War Settlement
* Globalisation
* The Great Reset

The Post War Settlement began in 1945 and lasted around 35 years.
During this period, all the main parties agreed on an agenda focussed around centrally planned and state-controlled policies. The state would provide everything, cradle-to-grave; in exchange, the people would acquiesce much of their personal liberties and responsibilities.
Across the "free world" governments grew in size & remit. Eventually taking on almost all aspects of healthcare, education, transport, energy, etc. Inevitably governments grew to become the largest employers; simultaneously taking on roles of boss, teacher, doctor, provider, etc.
The principal foreign policy objective of this era was the defeat of the rival Soviet system. Vast resources were ploughed into this endeavour. Many lives were sacrificed in a near endless series of proxy wars. Fear, uncertainty & doubt were the tools used to justify and sustain.
However, the consensus was already under heavy pressure by the late 1960s. People demanded more personal freedoms, especially sexual freedoms. The endless foreign campaigns were also being contested by a younger, cosseted generation seeking to avoid any personal involvement.
During the 1970s, lethargic and overindulged populations were putting unsustainable demands on the central systems. Principal amongst these, were those citizens whom the state had employed directly.

Monetary policy broke down, and wage and price controls collapsed.
By 1980s the post war consensus had ended, and a new breed of leaders emerged - spearheaded by Reagan and Thatcher.

Globalisation began in the early 1980s and lasted around 40 years.

It was principally characterised by its focus on the individual, in opposition to society.
People were encouraged to use their skills and resources to accumulate wealth and power. Regulations were rolled back, and state-controlled industries sold off to eager investors. Curiously, the old problems of an ever-expanding state, not only remained, but accelerated.
Power and money became increasingly concentrated in the hands of a small group. Wealth generated tax and this in turn led to a further expansion of the state. Tax revenues were used to placate the people who were losing out. This group became dependent on the state for all things
A global elite was emerging.

People increasingly expected to be given things and were reluctant to work for things. After a time, dependency led to entitlement. To keep pace with the demands of idle citizens, governments gorged on debt.
They bought services from the small elite group, who became even more wealthy as a result.

Then came the Internet.

Cosseted and unproductive citizens found the ultimate pacifier. Stuck behind screens they found an outlet for their time.
Spending hours watching "influencers", they implicitly accepted their lesser state and their lesser means. They lived their dreams by watching others.

Global elites, who ran these online systems engineered them for maximum addiction. The cycle was complete.
Wealth spiralled to the point that individuals and corporations rivalled whole countries. Countries will rival systems of government also joined the party and an international consensus was formed.
But by the late 2010s, the elites knew that system was unsustainable. It could not continue on its trajectory of exponential difference.
Just as in the 1960s, some citizens again began to revolt. Online tools were used against the elites who owned them and ran them. Despite near-complete control of the media, people reacted against the globalist agenda.
Attempts to destabilise long standing societal norms such as nationality, sexuality, gender, religion, language, free speech, education, etc. all went too fast. The people became aware. Nationalism, sectarianism, factionalism and revolt was in the air.
Trump and Brexit rocked the globalisation agenda. The elites went into panic. They has lost control over the systems that they had built to control. Something had to be done, but what?

The globalisation era came to an abrupt end in March 2020 with the arrival Covid-19 virus.
We now know that this virus, which arrived by chance, was the vehicle that would be used to herald our current era – The Great Reset.

[Further text has been censored by the inner party]
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