THREAD what I learned from running in an election
Lesson #1: Be skeptical of corporate main stream media.
In my race (pun intended) with Tom Cotton, you know the whole slavery being necessary evil and his fight with the NYT and the 1619 project and his only opponent being
a black man, the national corporate media was silent. @rollcall published an article saying Tom Cotton was running unopposed (a simple Google search is very helpful) @NBCNews published an article about all the black Americans running for Senate, I was not included on this list.
@Jorgensen4POTUS dealt with this same issue, When HRC ran in 2016 everyone was clamoring about the achievement of having a woman run for president (Something to be celebrated) yet Dr. Jo was ignored this election cycle. The identity politics works for the major parties
But not for us. I will stand on my own as a black man, I will expose your hypocrisy. The role of the press is to keep the government honest. What happens when the press is no longer honest? Your work and your deeds are laid bare, MSM you do not care about the disenfranchised,
you do not care about the poor, the immigrant, POC, nor the stories of Americans living one day at a time. You failed, it's not about truth anymore, it is all about power, clicks, likes, and money. Be Skeptical.
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