Artists rivalry is a myth. There can be some competitiveness when you apply for a company/publisher job, but that’s all. Just because the artist at your side is also taking commissions doesn’t mean “they’ll steal your clients”.
However, there’s something that does indeed affect artists: Undervaluing our work. That gives companies their legitimate right to badly pay us.

Not to add how much of lack of education there’s towards the creative job, generally.
In Spain there’s a law that regulates a “minimum price/hour” in any “normal job” so workers are protected from slavery. Something like that for artists would also prevent us from abusers.

So, meanwhile, don’t underestimate your work. You deserve to be fairly paid for it.
Of course, each artist is in their right to charge WHATEVER they want. But the thing is is YOU SHOULD BE OK with it. Not feeling like you are being undercharged.

If an artist charges 1$ for a sketch because 1$ is worth for them and they have other incomes source, then it’s ok.
However, if they charge 1$ because they need to make 100 sketches to buy groceries, then that’s NOT ok. And will encourage companies, publishers and even private commissioners to use this as an excuse to blackmail other artists.

Please, think about this and be careful.
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