You know, it strikes me how much the trend of mocking or demonizing trans bodies and surgeries is ableist.

It's played up as this horrifying thing done to someone, rather than an active choice to make them well.

And as a disabled dude I'm not here for that.
I think we, as a society, have this obsession with having an "intact" body. People who choose amputation over recovery and surgery are subject to this kind of criticism. So are people who get vasectomies or hysterectomies, in certain ways. Lots of stigma.
We like to purport those things as last resorts. You don't do it unless you have to. That's present in a lot of disabled stuff as well, like using a mobility device or getting a service animal, or cutting/removing bits that dont service you.
It all taps into some deep human fears, and the result for us - trans and disabled both - is the shock and revulsion of those around us. The freakshow at the circus being laughed at, but also inspiring a sense of horror in the audience. Gratitude that they aren't "like that".
We tend to demonize people making conscious choices to alter their body or benefit their lives because we see it as too extreme. I'm a fairly young dude with a cane who uses a mobility cart at times, and the looks and comments are very "you're too young" and "stop exaggerating".
There's a lot of willful denial that this could be the best choice for me and my life, and even IMPROVE my life, because it doesn't fit in with their idea of improvement. It doesn't fit their idea of benefit. They dont get it. So, as a result, they fear and loathe it, and mock it
Most people won't call a woman who gets a mastectomy a freak or having mutilated her body, but we do often see that as an extreme last resort, and look down upon those who make it their first or second step, not their last after endless chemo and suffering.
What I've noticed about being disabled is that people think you have to earn the right to get better. To take steps to benefit your health, because they make society uncomfortable. And I see a lot of that angry, frightened, DISGUSTED reaction in TERF comments.
If you posted a mastectomy pic, they'd pity you. But if you post your top surgery, they mock you. Because they see the changing of your body for your comfort as a step too far, and their disgust makes them want to police and stop it. They don't understand it. But it scares them.
It makes them uncomfortable. It jostles their beliefs. They wouldn't make that choice for themselves, and it inspires a visceral reaction in them. Even when they see others do it. It comes from a deep primal instinct of ours, and comes out in the ugliest of ways.
The same disgust I get for being a young, disabled man is the disgust they use.

"I don't like this. It makes me uncomfortable. I don't want to see it. It doesn't fit into my worldview. I'd never do that to myself. It's bad and wrong and should be looked at with disgust."
It's always about them and their disgust and their feelings. It denies the autonomy and wellbeing of someone else for their comfort and peace of mind. And it's as tiring when it's about trans stuff, as it is about disabilities.

There's some strong ableist tones there.
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