IMO, community-innovated policing; essentially, community driven intel gathering, will be the best driver to begin to secure the north.

Think about it, why did Farah Aidid stretch American Marines in Mogadishu? Simple. Entire community was his eyes & ears.

Nobody told on him.
Also, why is Joseph Kony still elusive, & terrorising a traumatised populace? Again, simple. No one dares to tell on him. Either cos of fear, or adulation.

There’s also Shina Rambo. How did his reign of terror last as long as it did? Simple. It was community enabled.
Point is, it’s same way kidnapping thrives. Take for example, case of the self professed kidnap kingpin in Minna (see below).

There’s no logical way anyone can employ to convince me no one in his neighbourhood suspected foul play; but no one said anything
It’s clear illegal mining is a driver of the banditry across Northern Nigeria (see below).

That then brings up grouping of population of ‘insurgency hit areas’; there’s always
- minority support base
- passive neutral majority
- minority which is against
As with all crises, but esp for economically inclined ones, main task for any move to suppress them is to link the silent minority that’s against the criminality with the neutral majority.

For that link to be achieved, community-innovated intel gathering is key.
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