These committees are being pulled together at the last minute, and are being asked to REVIEW the curriculum revisions made following recommendations by unqualified people such as C.P. Champion.
This is a key difference. These committees are not tasked with writing the curriculum, as they were before. The recommendations are so flawed that you can’t fix them by simply reviewing the documents. They need to be completely rewritten.
Don’t be fooled when the Minister or her talking ponies tell you that the recommendations are “just suggestions.” What you will see in the revised SS curriculum will align very closely to the racist and regressive recommendations offered by Champion.
A reminder: The minister has provided no evidence that Champion has any expertise in K-12 history/social studies curriculum development. More, his views put “him at odds with the weight of contemporary expert opinion among practising historians of Canada.”
Albertans should be outraged that someone without expertise and who holds views such as Champion is in a position to shape curriculum that will potentially affect an entire generation of school children.
Curriculum do not change quickly. These changes could be in place for a child’s entire K-12 school experience. These rushed “consultations” are just window dressing. LOOK BEHIND THE CURTAIN to see what the devious wizard @AdrianaLaGrange is up to.
Write and/or call @AdrianaLaGrange to express your concerns:

Office: 780 427-5010
Email: [email protected]

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