This argument is a crock of shit. +3million people voted for Hillary Clinton over Trump in '16 and no one said, "We need to make sure we keep all these Clinton voters happy or else...". So what, he got 70million votes? HE STILL LOST. Stop treating Trump like he's magical...
And this argument about the "70million voters for Trump" is just a means to erase Black voters, +5million of which put Joe Biden over the top. Why aren't we talking about them? What do they want? What about their agenda? Why do Trump voters deserve props for voting for a loser?
I just don't see how we can seem to find all this empathy for white voters who cast their lot to support a losing candidate when Black and brown voters were the ones who gave Biden his historic win. Why aren't reporters stalking carry-outs and chicken shacks to talk to them?
In a year where we had a massive racial reckoning and a civil unrest driven by people demanding social justice for Black Americans, when Philly and Atlanta show up and show out to vote for Joe Biden, the media somehow pivots to ask, "What about the white people?" like they matter
Seriously. The last two winning Democratic presidential tickets have featured Black candidates and we're still dwelling on Donald Trump and his voters. Why aren't we talking about whether or not/how and why Black candidates help Democrats win? That's the story. Tell that one.
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