Jack Dorsey at ridiculous Senate hearing Lindsey Graham is running like a 4th grade reading class:

So the thing is, the issue is really the algorithms.

Zuckerberg: Ummmmmm I dunno that I would say the algorithms are the most important thing 🙄...
Zuck: “...we don’t design the product to be addictive... our goal is to help people connect.”

Sigh. Just sigh.
Whoa. Graham is arguing that social media should be regulated based on *health concerns* and their impact on health.

That’s ... interesting...
Zuck awkwardly arguing that calling for the beheading of US officials shouldn’t result in an automatic ban from FB.
Zuck admits they subjectively decide not to apply penalties for violations whenever they feel like it.
Lol Cornyn trying to argue the issue with social is there isn’t “enough speech” on the platforms 😂😂😑
Dear senators: please do not use the word “arouse” thx
This hearing is so profoundly bizarre. Like two hearings about different events shuffled together into one.
I mean you don’t even need to make a satire version. It’s already so weird.
Mike Lee is falsely and stupidly and disingenuously arguing the only violence he has heard of is by “antifa”.


Desperate for some presidential clicks with this statement.
Lee now arguing the platforms are explicitly anti pro-life. What a smarmy and ridiculous argument to make.
Mike Lee wants the list of every account that has ever been penalized or removed for content violations 😂

This would be millions of accounts
Mike Lee, who is absurd, is now praising how smart and handsome Ben Sasse is, and how jealous he is of his beard — and nooooo I’m not kidding.
This is literally the most ridiculous human. He won’t gavel out the hearing for the vote and is going on and on about how social media is “state propaganda”
Can anyone prove Mike Lee and Ted Cruz aren’t actually the same person?
They should both just go do bad Shakespeare in community theaters. They would be happier.
Not to be outdone, Josh Hawley is now talking about robber barons
Rethreading: https://twitter.com/mollymckew/status/1328749273836642307
And https://twitter.com/mollymckew/status/1328751578623471617
Zuck: uhhhh I’m not sure if we have internal research on if FB is addictive

Jack: I mean of course any tools like these can encourage behaviors that can be addictive
Josh Hawley: we the republican champions of free market capitalism utopia who will defeat all socialism would also like all internal communications from your private company about how you assign basic corporate tasks
Honest to god do the republicans have any future presidential hopefuls would wouldn’t rather be a mega billionaire radio host?
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