We carry our family of origin into every encounter. Sometimes they carry us.

A question to ponder:

What two traits did I inherit from my family that are an asset in my leadership? What two traits get in the way of my healthy leadership?

I'll post mine below.

1a: A general 'you can do it' confidence that I can try and learn new things.
1b: a genuine selflessness to serve others.
2a: an inability to take seriously my own needs.
2b: a chronic over-functioning when people don't carry their fair share.
Another power tool from family of origin work:

what 'family propaganda' did you inherit that isn't actually true?

The truth is grander, more nuanced than you were told.

I'll post mine in the reply below.

'Cusses are always right.' We never said it out loud, but we lived like it was true. It stunted my maturity - my arrogance that was covering insecurity.

And being wrong can be a wonderful gift.
Also, 'others have it worse.'

It is true, I have largely had an amazing life. But I have real needs, hurts etc that I neglect to take seriously because someone always has it worse than me.

It stunted my prayer life - I so rarely ask for help, pray for myself.
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