Thread: Some thoughts on church, COVID, conspiracies and medical care
I've just returned from the neurologist, where I received my quarterly series of Botox injections (the only treatment that's worked in managing chronic, debilitating migraines). In the lobby of the medical building, I saw someone chatting away on the phone for an extended ... 1/
... period of time without wearing a mask. When I was called back to the exam room, I chatted momentarily with the nurse, whom I've known for quite a number of years. We talked about anxiety re: the election and COVID, holiday plans (both staying home with our own ... 2/
... households) and a friend who, in spite of new restrictions announced Sunday, invited her out to grab a pizza. Then, spoke with the doctor about the horrible example set by our president during his own bout with COVID, when he made it look easily beatable, claiming ... 3/
... that he'd been cured and that we could all be cured by the same combo of treatments he received. Doctor was livid, stating that not even she, a medical professional, could receive those treatments. His words are rubbing off on her patients, who are behaving ... 4/
... irresponsibly because they can get a cure just like him. Then, I received a reply to a note I sent my pastor on Sunday regarding Mass attendance. We are dispensed, and I watched the livestream in which I saw people improperly masked (and have seen people unmasked on ... 5/
... previous Sundays). I can't share his entire message, but thought you might appreciate a few of his words: "Frankly, I am pretty beaten down, looking at our Parish. Those, I would hope, I could rely upon, are mostly acting the worst." 6/
What a sad indictment of the state of our society, and even more worrisome, the state of the Church. Please, people, stay home if you must, but if you can't, mask up, remain socially distant, and practice good hygiene. Reflect on my pastor's words above and PRAY for your ... 7/
... clergy, and reach out to them to see if there's anything you can do to relieve their burdens. All of this hit me after a thread by my awesome cousin @crazywholelife in discussing the stresses under which clergy are currently operating.

That is the thread. 8/8
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