just a small thread about polyamory and non monogamy:
polyamory is just one type of non monogamy. non monogamy can be anything like open relationships, swinging or polyamory etc.
the difference between open relationships and polyamory is that open relationships often tend to be limited to having sexual partners outside the relationship without having romantic feelings involved.
polyamory is about multiple consensual relationships or partners which can be sexual or romantic or both.
polyamory works in different ways. it can be a throuple, quadruple or group of people who are romantically or/and sexually together or it can be two or more people in a relationship who have other romantic or/and sexual partners outside the relationship, etc.
there is no specific way of how it should be because we are all beautiful people making different kinds of connections with different people and our relationships with people might vary.
for eg, if x and y are in a relationship. x is also dating a and b. y is dating m and m is in a relationship with j and k.

also, monogamous and polyamorous people can be together too as long as they're comfortable and respect each others choices.
you can form connections and have feelings for people however you want as long as you are honest with your partners and have consent of each of them.
it is more about the freedom to explore and not limit yourself but only YOU get to decide what kind of relationships you want to build with people and fall in love maybe differently or have any kinds of relationships with as many people as you want with consent and honesty.
non monogamy does not mean cheating. cheating is when you lie about your attraction or feelings to your partners and being dishonest about it.
non monogamy is when you and your partner(s) consent to having other partners and are honest about it.
there is a common misconception that polyamorous people can't commit which is false. commitments are subjective and it depends on whether a person chooses to commit or not rather than whether they're monogamous or not.
you might wonder, what about jealousy?
well we are all humans and it's completely okay to feel jealous and you can always communicate about it to your partner(s) and come up with solutions or ideas that suits you better.
just remember that love and posession are two different things and probably opposites. you don't own your partner(s) or get to make their decisions and put restrictions on them and vice versa.
loving someone does not mean restricting yourselves or them. it means you respect and communicate with honesty.
polyamory or non monogamy might not be for everyone. it's totally valid to be monogamous and have a preference for monogamous people.
polyamory is beautiful and you are sooo valid.
so go ahead and and fall in love and do all the cute little things that make you happy as long as you don't invalidate others and keep learning good things and also unlearning bad ones.
you're all precious humans.
(correct me if i'm wrong with any of the points. i'm still learning too. also, feel free to ask questions here or in dms)
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