The colors of Magic: the Gathering as She-Ra characters.

( #WotCStaff)

White is Adora. She has a strong moral center, an overdeveloped savior complex, and wants to bring peace to Etheria.
Blue is Entrapta. She needs to understand Etheria and its technology as deeply as possible. Her obsession with knowledge outweighs other priorities- sometimes to a dangerous extent.
Black is Hordak. His shame at being a "defective" clone of Horde Prime causes him to lust for personal power and glory. He is ruthless and cruel in pursuit of these goals.
Red is Sea Hawk. Bold, melodramatic, and gregarious, Sea Hawk is driven entirely by emotion. When the going gets rough, he's always ready with a sea shanty. He's also a disaster bi whose default move is to set things on fire.
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