I just want to again remind you all. The Deep State/Dems have been rigging the systems for decades. Not just voting but EVERYTHING they could get their hands on. They snuck Obama in as our “savior” for God’s sake! TWICE! So if you think they all of a sudden have completely...
... forgotten how to do what they do, you’re way off target. Do you really think that as soon as Trump took office they became a bunch of bumbling buffoons by accident? These idiots can’t walk and chew gum right now, but they scammed the voters, the system and the world for...
... decades?? Does that make sense to you? The ONLY explanation for these ridiculous, bordering on absurd “attempts” by them is this. They are under COMPLETE CONTROL and are literally reading from a script daily. It’s virtually impossible that EVERY single thing they threw at...
... Trump has failed. Not one accusation was ever proven. It was just lie after lie. Then the Russia Hoax came into our lives. For three long years we were promised concrete evidence to show Trump/Russia collusion. Then the phone call happened. Schiff literally went on the...
... floor of the House and read a 100% FAKE transcript. My question is this. I’ve always wondered if he even knew that was fake or if maybe that was just a I7 practical joke on him. (Think actors pulling pranks on set) The impeachment was a sham designed and set up to unleash...
... their “Final Act of Terror” a virus with a 99.7% survival rate?? Yes they slowed the economy and caused job losses but overall did that affect Trump? You saw his rally’s post lockdown. Was anyone mad at him?? Did we the people suddenly revolt against him? Quite the contrary..
... I would argue he became MORE popular as normal folks like us understood what this virus truly was. Yet another hoax. That brings us to Joe Biden. In your life, can you ever remember a more sorry and silly excuse for a campaign in your life? He wasn’t running for mayor of...
.. some small podunk town in WV. No no, he was running for POTUS!! And yet he hid in his basement for SIX months. Failed to take any questions over that time frame. Made public blunder after blunder and yet miraculously, somehow, through it all he emerges as the victor in the...
... 2020 Election??!! And he didn’t just squeak by either. He allegedly DEMOLISHED every single voting record as we know it. Even destroying his former running mate Obama in popularity!! Does that sound even remotely probable to you?? Of course not. And not even the most die...
... hard Biden supporter actually thought he had a chance on Election night. They might tell you “They knew it all along” but they’re full of shit. Take it from me on this one. I’ve dealt with some pretty nutty and radical left wing loonies these past few months. To say they...
... were panicking would be an understatement. They KNEW just by using their eyes, ears and common sense that Trump was clearly going to not just win this election but outright dominate it. One last thing before I go. What do we know they do better than anything? They project....
... so the Trump/Russia collusion was really THEIR years of collusion. The Ukraine scandal?? Ummm HELLO!! Biden is on FILM withholding funds for personal gain. And finally this election. “Biden wins in Blue Wave” should actually be the exact opposite. You know it. I know it and..
... every single Democrat knows it. Let them to continue to revel these last few remaining weeks. Trump and I7 by extension are OFFICIALLY out of time. January is coming fast. If they cheated big time as we all suspect the White Hats have about three, maybe four more weeks and...
... then the clock strikes midnight. Biden has to be allowed a transition period that’s just common sense. So now that January drop dead date is more like mid December AT THE LATEST. Keep watching the show. I think we’re all going to love how this movie ends. Stay safe 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
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