Okay but what if Anzellans like Babu Frik are the best knitters in the galaxy thanks to their keen eyesight and dexterous hands? Imagine Babu Frik's friends getting really excited for their Life Day gifts because his scarves are legendary. Imagine him knitting, watching soaps.
Now imagine: Armitage Hux does macrame. He always ties the knots too tight, but he doesn't care, THAT'S THE WAY HE PREFERS IT, REN. A clean white macrame owl hanging in the refresher, tense baskets holding spindly succulents. He raises a single eyebrow when they confiscate yarn.
Rose Tico scrounges yarn wherever she can to do cute animal amigurumi. She makes little fathiers, squonks, porgs. She gives them to the Resistance pilots, who hang them over their windshields for good luck. She made a woolamander for Poe. He loves it.
I see Uncle Luke sitting by a fire with Ben, teaching him how to knit socks, a useful skill passed on by Aunt Beru, who used a drop spindle to spin Bantha wool on Tatooine. IT'S IMPOSSIBLE, Ben says, throwing his clunky sock at the fire. "Only for the first year," Luke grumbles.
In the quiet of her cabin, Amilyn Holdo has an intricate set-up for making bobbin lace, with a beautiful violet pillow of velvet and a variety of hand-carved bobbins she's picked up in her travels. She makes complex collars and jewelry. It calms her mind. No one knows.
Imagine Yoda on Dagobah, humming happily as he fingerweaves long strings of cord, hobbles out to the swamp, and fishes for dinner. He knows he could use the Force to empty the whole bog, but he tunes out so he can enjoy the joy of a tug on the line. "Mm hmm! Got you now, I have!"
In the back room of his diner, Dexter Jettster takes out knitting needles the size of baseball bats and knits big, warm blankets out of gigantic yarn supplied by one of his customers. With four arms, he can craft a blanket every day after work. He secretly gives them to buskers.
General Organa secretly collects saucy cross stitch that say dirty things in a variety of languages. Now and then, she'll come up with something she wants to do herself, but she's so busy and TBH not great at embroidery. Lt. Connix finds one and anonymously finishes it for her.
Lobot finds weaving soothing. He creates complicated patterns on a large loom he designed himself and crafts rugs so beautiful that Lando makes Lo promise to always give him first pick. He also has a miniloom for jewelry. Lando secretly wears a matching friendship bracelet.
Now: Padme and her handmaidens meet in a cozy parlor, their chairs in a circle around a table. They open bags of fabric, pull out pincushions and thimbles. They are making a quilt together as they discuss the book they just read. They give the quilts to visiting dignitaries.
Perhaps it's not quite fiber arts, but I can see Qi'ra doing wirework with crystals and stones and pearls, little baubles that no one else in Crimson Dawn cares about because they're worthless. Pendants, rings, tiaras. The metal hurts her fingers, but she refuses to wear gloves.
Gentle reminder: This thread is Delilah the Lifelong Star Wars Fan and Bad Knitter Dreams Sweetly, not Delilah the Official Star Wars Writer Carving Canon Into the Holocron. So take with a grain of salt, and then use that salt when dyeing your Bantha wool like Beru Lars. 😉
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