okay, here is my theory about the JFK assassination. It takes the bullet ballistics from Mortal Error by Bonar Menninger and the motive for the assassination from Libra by Don DeLillo. I want to try and keep this short and simple, since everyone already knows about JFK lol.
Here's my theory for motive: CIA wanted stage an assassination attempt and blame it on the Cubans to scare Kennedy into invading Cuba again after he had been so wishy-washy the first time.
CIA knew they could manipulate Oswald and brought him back into the US as an asset after he defected to USSR. CIA either told Oswald to miss and/or didn't think he could make a deadly shot at a moving car.
The number of shots, where they went, and how many shooters were there - the detail of that comes from Mortal Error by Bonar Menninger which tells the story of ballistics expert Howard Donahue investigating the assassination.
The book was criticized at the time for not tying the assassination to a larger conspiracy, but, to me, this just makes it more credible. A regular person can't possibly know ALL the organized crime and CIA connections, but they can investigate the bullet ballistics.
Ballistics expert Howard Donahue was a sharpshooter, gunsmith, and ballistics expert who was originally called in as a marksman to do a recreation of the assassination. This started him on the path to investigating further.
It should be noted that several participant in the reinactment, including Donahue, made all three shots in the allotted time with the Carcano rifle, proving that Oswald could actually have made all three shots, but some things just dont add up.
Basically what Donahue concluded was that there were 3 shots that day. Two from Oswald, and one accidental discharge from an AR-15 carried by a Secret Service agent in the car behind JFK's.
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