Press Release: Climate Bill’s ambition must be increased & loopholes closed

As #JOCCA meet to discuss recommendations on #ClimateBill, SCC publish key demands and briefing informed by new expert testimony.

Press release & briefing 👉 

Summary Thread 1/9
Stop Climate Chaos says #ClimateBill must be revised so that its overall target for climate neutrality represents Ireland’s #fairshare of effort under the #ParisAgreement

2050 is far too late for the achievement of #netzero emissions
@AlanFarrell @LNBDublin @CormacDevlin
SCC recommends that the Bill follow the model in Scottish climate legislation by including a definition of a ‘fair and safe emissions budget’ to which the Govt, when adopting carbon budgets, must have regard.

These budgets should not rely on negative emission technologies
The #ClimateBill must include interim targets that provide frequent and focused moments of accountability to ensure that the Minister is required to take corrective measures if emissions are not declining as planned.

#ClimateActionBill #ClimateAction #FasterandFairer
The governance framework connecting the climate plans and carbon budgets must be strengthened, to ensure that future governments cannot set carbon budgets that are explicitly inconsistent with the Climate Law’s overall objective. #ClimateBill
SCC is advocating for a clear and precise definition of a carbon budget, and the removal of any special reference to agriculture or the role of biogenic methane. #ClimateBill #ClimateAction
#JustTransition is not mentioned in the draft Bill. Govt must consider the distributive implications of climate policies on the fuel poor, vulnerable, isolated communities and specific groups of workers whose livelihoods will be threatened by a move away from fossil fuels.
SCC is calling for a new provision in the Bill to require the Minister to prepare, publish and implement a permanent, large scale public engagement strategy no later than 31 December 2021
The Bill should be amended to ensure that actions to address #climatebreakdown and #biodiversity loss are fully complementary. It must ensure that climate mitigation measures do not impact biodiversity such as wild birds, mammals, habitats and ecosystems.
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