⚠️ Common Trap with IFS, parts work, etc.

It’s sooo easy to get into the mode of

“I’m going to let my inner kids play.”
“My inner child wants this!”


Go let *yourself* play!
You want this!

Fuck what the child wants.
What do you want?
You are the child.
Who do you think you are, you big dreary adult, “allowing” the kids to play?

Go fucking play with them.


Don’t come back till you’re muddy and have some scratches. Now shoo.
There are no parts, no inner children—just vast cavernous ecologies of emergent processes 🌳🍃☘️🦋

Use parts and IFS if it helps you. It can help talk about this stuff. Acknowledging shocking and unendorsed desires is WEIRD.
You are allowed to talk as much shit about your “other parts” as you want. As long as you’re having fun.

And when it stops being fun, you better bet I will gently prod you, whisper “(pssst, remember none of this is real),” and bring you back.
I think the reason it’s so tempting to be a victims to “parts” inside us is it gives us an excuse.

We need an excuse. We desperately need to explain to society, to our parents, boss, the parent living inside our head—to any figures of authority asking—why we fucked up.
We cannot publicly, consciously admit those desires, and so they go unendorsed.

Talking about the “part of us that wants to drink,” then, becomes the only outlet for acknowledging the reality of those desires. https://twitter.com/askyatharth/status/1299995066602323968
But it’s literally all you. All me. *I* want these things. *I* feel the fear.

If my nervous system alarms go off to a stimulus, even if it’s a false alarm, it was still my system. It communicated some truth. https://twitter.com/askyatharth/status/1306718175850045440
It’s inane the lengths we go to disown our behaviour because we cannot or do not want to endorse it

Yeah, shifting our desires / aligning ourselves takes work.

Who came up with this idea that we can choose our desires anyway?
On a more serious note, that will be $$$$ therapist bux please.
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