What is ChAdOx1 in Astra Zeneca Covid vaccine? Watch and share. @TheFreds @simondolan @MichaelYeadon3 @emmakennytv @RobertKennedyJr @ClarkeMicah @LeahButlerSmith @SandraWors3
None of theee mRNA vaccines have sufficient time trials for them to be warranted safe. It takes years to approve a vaccine not 6 months. The full side effects won’t show up immediately so to push for global vaccination sounds sinister. Bill Gates is a Eugenicist so go figure ...
Can someone start looking into moderna and the biotec company involved in their vaccine. Why is a biotec company involved? I know Bill Gates is the chief funder. Exactly how are these mRNA vaccines supposed to cure corona? Why are they claiming 90% effectiveness.
Also, why not follow herd immunity? Ask yourselves this, how have we survived as a species since the dawn of time? Surely we have had to deal with thousands of viruses since Bronze Age. Only on this century have they pushed for mass vaccination of the whole planet.
I smell a rat ... I think it’s firstly a money making scam as their is unusual activities going on with stock dumping by Pfizer, secondly they have been dreaming of a way to depopulate. Does anyone know what’s written on The Georgia Guidestones? https://thetvtraveler.com/visiting-the-georgia-guidestones/
Please watch and share this video “The Great Reset” by Father David Nix. This will explain why we are going through this nightmare. @simondolan @LeahButlerSmith @LauraKenny31 @RobertKennedyJr @MichaelYeadon3 @TheFreds @SandraWors3 @TheProdigalFox
So has anyone watched this interview with Kary Mullins, inventor of the PCR testing tool? Listen carefully to what he has to say when it comes to virus detection. Please share and comment.
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