All the way back in February, Russia's PM Mikhail Mishustin (who fancies himself as - and by all accounts is - a bit of a tech guru) started talking up some super hi-tech GPS-enabled covid patient tracking system.

One idea was to get Russia's mobile operating networks to somehow automatically use mobile phone users' location data to send people an SMS if they had been near somebody who was/subsequently became covid-positive. No downloads, apps or need for users to input info.

When somebody tested positive for covid-19 their phone number is automatically added into a health system database, the idea was then to get the networks to use the location data from that phone to notify anybody else who had been close to that phone in recent days.

Its official status - today - is that the responses are being reviewed.

In other words, it appears to have been ditched.

Meanwhile, as the 1st wave hit, official attention seemed to switch away from contact tracing - which the WHO calls "indispensable for every country" and "essential to containing the spread" - and toward making sure infected patients were staying at home.

It would also ping people demanding they submit a location-enabled selfie within 60 mins or face a fine.

That included multiple times in the middle of the night for some users.

Months later: enter, the second wave. Plans for the super advanced auto-notifying GPS locator contact tracing system are long forgotten.

There is basically no national contact tracing architecture in place.
And so, as Russia's coronavirus cases hit two million, with 22,000 new infections every day, Russia finally appears to have succumbed.
Users will voluntarily download the app, voluntarily use it, voluntarily notify it if they test positive, and then it'll anonymously alert other app-users who were close to the infected person.

A final blow: Reportedly based on technology developed by Apple and Google.
It's worth underlining that Russia is far from alone in struggling to develop a coronavirus contact tracing system.

Countries which have managed it are the exception. Those with tracking apps are struggling to get take-up or reach potential contacts
The problem Russia now faces is:

So far into the pandemic, having already rolled out or talked up a number of covid-19 apps and tracking systems which proved flawed, annoying and/or were abandoned, how will they encourage sceptical Russians to download and use this latest one?
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