The Dem student loan forgiveness scheme would turn higher education into an even worse example of Chumponomics: a system that relies on chumps who pay full freight to subsidize those who don't.

One of my first Chumponomics posts from 2014:
Chumponomics is essentially stealth socialism, and it's usually a prelude to open socialism. Socialists deliberately create a crisis of unfairness, then insist their ideology is the only way to resolve it. They did it with health insurance, and they'll do it with student loans.
Open borders immigration policy is a great example of Chumponomics. The people who worked hard and followed all the rules to immigrate legally - investing a great deal of their time, which has a hefty monetary value - get screwed as illegals are waved into the country.
The student loan scheme would be one of the hardest, sharpest, shiniest examples of Chumponomics to date. Everyone who worked hard to pay off their loans, or worked hard at a job that didn't require college, gets screwed fast and hard to pay off the debts of others.
The people getting the shaft made major life decisions based around the cost of their education. Some might have chosen not to attend college due to the cost, or chose a less expensive school. Graduates made tough choices and worked hard to pay off huge student loans.
For many of those people, the opportunity cost of responsibly accepting and satisfying their student loan debt - or choosing not incur such debt by not going to college - far exceeds the cash value of the proposed giveaway - i.e. they're getting screwed even worse than it looks.
Socialists artificially exacerbated the student loan process by creating conditions in which loans would be inflated as the cost of education absolutely skyrocketed. There aren't many goods on Earth whose cost inflated faster than university tuition over the past decade.
One of the most important instruments for engineering this disaster was Obamacare, which included provisions for inflating and weaponizing student loan debt. Obamacare lit the fuse on a fiscal bomb that would leave generations buried in the rubble of student loan debt.
Dems use student loans much the same way Communist China uses its Belt and Road infrastructure scheme as a debt trap. The marks - Third World nations for Chinese imperialists, U.S. students for Dems - are enticed into taking out huge loans that become leverage to control them.
The only "solutions" Dems will accept for a crisis created by Chumponomics are socialist schemes that increase their own power and conceal the screw job, rather than addressing it. The unfair costs and wealth transfers get folded into the great grey sludge of socialist taxation.
You don't think it's fair that you played by the rules and paid your debt, while these other people get huge subsidies or a free ride? Obviously the only solution is to fully socialize the situation so the goods become "free" and no one feels the pain of paying for them.
The Left is very good at creating and exacerbating problems, then selling itself as the only "solution." In fact, every drop of power leftists are given over anything will almost certainly be used to make it worse, to create opportunities for the Left to harvest power and money.
They've rarely been more aggressive about using this tactic than with higher education and health care. The latter is the bigger prize, but student loans are a useful crowbar for widening class divisions that can be exploited for political and monetary gain.
The important thing is to make people feel aggrieved and exploited, so the Left can swoop in as the snake-oil salesmen of "fairness," "justice," and "equality." They want to make free choice seem dangerous, surrounded by predators and pitfalls, so we'll let them manage our lives.
Chumponomics systems are a great way to nourish feelings of both entitlement and resentment - to corrupt a free and reasonable system until it becomes so unreasonable, so "broken," that centralized socialist control can be marketed as the only way to "reform" the system. /end
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