People are really missing the mark and not trying to fix the real problems with #studentloanforgiveness bullshit. A taxpayer funded bailout for people they can’t pay their loans back doesn’t address the main issue, which is why college is so expensive in the first place 1/
First, four year college isn’t for everyone. It’s just not. Yet there’s a stigma perpetuated that if you don’t have that bachelors degree, then you’re somehow stupid and unemployable. Community colleges and trade schools can give you the education and skills that a lot of 2/
four year colleges can give, depending on the field of study (big disclaimer there, depending on the field of study). At a rate where only six in ten finish their bachelor’s degrees, I’d contended that admission standards to four year colleges are way too easy. It should be 3/
more difficult for people to get in. Lots of people classified as good students flunk out or decide it’s not for them, at nearly a 40% clip, and now those individuals are saddled with student loan debt on top of the ones that finish that four year degree 4/
So colleges are continuing to increase costs on students, knowing full well that 40% aren’t going to finish. When you compound this with somewhat lax admission standards AND loans being handed out like candy, colleges have ZERO motivation to make education affordable 6/
So we have these colleges with BILLIONS of dollars in endowments in a lot of cases, who raise tuition costs and fees every year while loans are dished out left and right when they know that only six and ten will finish their degrees within six years. 7/
Why WOULD they want to lower costs, in an environment where people are told they HAVE to get a degree to make any sort of living, where admission can be easy, and access to loans are everywhere? Newsflash...they won’t. It’s simple economics. 8/
My daughter is a senior and deciding on colleges to go to. One is a smaller liberal (ugh) arts college that costs $38,000 a year. Thankfully she was offered a scholarship to pay for half of that, but that’s still $19,000 a year. By the time she graduates, she’s looking at 9/
$76,000 in debt if she can finish in four years. That’s more than half of what our first house cost. So you mean to tell me they’re cool with saddling a 21/22 year old with $76k in debt after graduating and calling it a day? Of course they are! 10/
Bottom line is that we should be finding ways to make college more affordable instead of relying on taxpayers to pay off loans, because the unpaid balances or “forgiven” loan amounts don’t just vanish. Someone has to pay them. 11/
I know that making your loan disappear is sexier than actually working to solve the problem of colleges fucking us over with their sky high costs, but that’s the real issue here. Much like Obamacare did shit for HC costs, loan forgiveness doesn’t fix the real problem.

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