To elaborate a bit here, partly becuase I've been thinking about this a lot for the @KelloggSchool Healthcare Strategy class in Winter Quarter.

If you want to compete with $AMZN pharmacy in a retail footprint, you must offer more than just easy access to the prescription (1/5)
This actually isn't a healthcare specific point, bookstores and hardware stores also pivoted in the face of large competitors.

Those that succeeded offered new services that weren't optimal for new competitor (i.e. key cutting/locksmith services) (2/5)
We know $CVS and $WMT have retail footprints that were optimal in a world with a far greater reliance on in-person shopping.

The lack of true online pharmacy has propped up $CVS -- but they obviously knew that wouldn't last forever.

This explains the pivot to "CVS Health" (3/5)
Providing healthcare services in store was a way to make better use of retail footprint.

Optimizing strategy requiring finding a way to capture some of medical benefits, which led to acquistion of $AET.

This shifts business away from pure reliance on in-person pharmacy (4/5)
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