At this time, when 25% of Vermont's education work force is now being tested each week, the department of health has asked schools to take over contact tracing.

Friends - what can communities possibly lift off the shoulders of our schools?
I realize this question likely sounds funny coming from me (I have not been hacked).

I still believe that schools must be a resource for the community. I believe we must continue with universal free meals, health services (physical, mental, emotional), high quality ed...
I also see our schools taking on more & more at a time when so many educators, administrators, & staff are feeling stretched thin, exhausted, & depleted.

Speaking for myself only, I want to do all I possibly can & I'm just honestly not sure how much I've got left to offer.
I'm feeling a bit like schools are becoming giving trees with our limbs cut off. How can we (all of us) ensure that we're not left with stumps for schools when this is all over?
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