Some brouhaha going on at the moment about materials @BeLonG_To promote in schools. It goes without saying that we should support initiatives to reduce bullying. I went to school in Ireland. Being gay was never mentioned. 1/
Lots of people are tweeting their support of @BeLonG_To and the "phenomenal work they do". I would like someone to explain to me how young gay people are supported by organisations that say that some homosexual males are actually straight women 2/
Or how some homosexual females are actually straight women. I don't see it myself. I have tweeted about this before so I won't repeat myself. But what would be truly groundbreaking would be to see Irish schools simply recognise that some people are homosexual and that it is ok 3/
Because I have never seen it and the material that @BeLonG_To promote doesn't do that either. /end.
Obvious typo here. Should read "how some homosexual females are actually straight men".
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