2/13 That's why this review of judicial review is so concerning. There are plenty of things wrong with JR - it is inaccessible both financially and in terms of public understanding, it is a long and stressful process and it is hard to succeed in.
5/13 So, for SEND families, this could mean changing when you can ask a court to intervene for you individually, or to intervene in government decision making that could make our society less inclusive for children with SEND generally.

7/13 For example - all the great sounding rules around SEND provision that then don't come with any funding. So local authorities end up refusing or frustrating provision that the law says you are entitled. https://schoolsweek.co.uk/send-campaigners-lose-high-court-case-against-government-funding-cuts/
8/13 That is simply bad government, and the law should be able to step in and protect SEND learners from decisions that turn their rights from something productive, to something entirely tokenistic. https://www.lag.org.uk/article/203689/no-surprises--ndash--gatekeeping
10/13 This is why its so concerning that the review itself appears to be tilted to reach the conclusion the government want. This isn't just dry procedural wordplay, it could impact how every person in the country can hold their public bodies to account. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-53612232
11/13 It is not an exaggeration to say that, for some people, this is life and death. And for many others it will be decisions that can change the direction of their whole lives - in education, immigration, incarceration, health, policing and many more.
12/13 Remember, even where the courts aren't involved, the government provides guidance to civil servants called "The Judge Over Your Shoulder", to explain the legal framework and to ensure decisions are made properly. https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/judge-over-your-shoulder
13/13 It's in none of our interests for that shoulder judge to disappear. SEND families know as well as anyone that the right laws are only half the battle. Sometimes you need a big legal stick to give them any meaning.
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