This is cool and encouraging.
Short version: previously the challenge to rolling out solar is that silicon PVs are inefficient at generating power and energy-expensive to manufacture, but recent developments with perovskite PVs seem to address those issues.
The whole channel is actually pretty good, and offers a very valuable dose of hope that climate catastrophe isn't inevitable, and progress is being made on mitigating it.
Friendly reminder that the political paroxysms we're witnessing around the world are the extinction burst of the carbon capitalist class refusing to accept that humanity can, must and will move on from an energy economy based on burning fossil fuels.
In order to retain a livable biosphere the vast majority of remaining carbon reserves will need to stay in the ground, and once this reality becomes widely accepted a lot of capitalists with heavy investment in fossil fuels are going to find themselves in deep shit.
Rather than lead the way in transitioning to a sustainable energy economy they'd rather force us to remain in the same ecocidal fossil carbon economy which has allowed the capitalist class to accrue unprecedented wealth for over a century.
It's not going to work, though, because not only due to public sentiment but also because scientific advancements are rendering sustainable energy ever more financially appealing than the increasingly expensive and technically challenging prospect of fossil carbon extraction.
There'll come a point when the world agrees that there's no future in fossil fuel, and then it'll be a rush of divestment to avoid being the one left holding a shitload of worthless unburnable carbon assets.