Let's fact check the #Hungarian government's claims used to legitimize/explain the yesterday #veto.
THREAD 1/5 https://twitter.com/eublogo/status/1328604476287164416
Fact check 1:
The #RuleOfLAw Conditionality in perfect compliance with EU treaties, in fact it is a proxy to the Common Provisions Regulation with a more specific focus. If the Polish and Hungarian governments have legal concerns, they should file a lawsuit at the CJEU...
3/5 ... there is no need to block the budget deal.
Fact check 2:
The criteria of the #RuleofLaw conditionality mechanism is far more objective and detailed than those of the #Article7 procedure. Furthermore, member states in the Council decide about potential sanctions, not the Commission.
Fact check 3:
The Treaties provide perfect legal remedies against the mechanism. Article 263 TFEU - Action for annulment
So overall the Hungarian government communication is built on smoke and mirror, and their arguments are unfounded from a legal perspective.
#Poland ditto
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