It feels like every trans awareness week in UK spotlight goes to whatever shitty terf moment has happened + info graphics on pronouns - meanwhile there’s loads of innovative Black and brown trans artists just making work on the daily that you won’t invest in.
This week Malik Nashad Sharpe is releasing their own fashion collection. Danielle Brathwaite Shirley released a whole black trans themed video game. Munroe literally filled a magazine spread with a whole selection of Black trans creators. Uplift the work that is coming&there.
obvs my announcement of a play. But I’m less talking about me here (altho that’s a whole other thread on being black and trans and in uk arts) - but what I am saying is every magazine in uk doing “trans awareness slideshows” could also be giving their press to our work and art?
In fact, I mean the opposite of me. I have a platform, “numbers” on site, light enough Blackness that certain magazines have covered me more. what if all press&accounts scrambling to create a basic “who to follow” list actually invested in platforming what was already being made
profiles on Melz and free black uni, Malik Nashad Sharpe in convo with Jay Bernard, Danielle Brathwaite Shirley interviewed by Kate Moross, Me interviewing Jo Clifford..... it goes on. What I’m saying is there’s far more inventive& enjoyable ways for “awareness”.
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