anyway my issue with Cyberpunk's handling of body modification is that you lose "humanity" for both modifying yourself and experiencing traumatic stuff, the book for CPR says watching someone eat a baby is "at least 6" humanity loss, and... a cybereye that takes photos is 9
traumatic experiences making you less human is a garbage take to start with but taking videos without a camera somehow being worse for your mental health than savage violence is just weird
also this is like all of the info it gives on how not-augmentation humanity loss works, and then there's several tables for how much each kind of body mod reduces your humanity
"cybernetics make you more evil" is overly simplistic & dated as hell now, a lot of media has gone with more nuanced views on it since CP2020, which are mostly about how being treated as a tool constantly makes you feel less like a person,
and that's the compelling part of augmentation in cyberpunk, people already feel like they're treated as a tool and some faceless entity controls their life, giving your body & health up to make rent & not by choice is a thing that happens, a cyberarm is just a cool exaggeration
basically rename it to like, depersonalisation or something, if you want to keep it specific to augs don't track how much a character has, track how much and how often it affects their interactions with other people and how people treat them, then make them try to cope with it
working 19 hours at two jobs so you don't qualify for a pension and then moonlighting as a mercenary because they need someone with the night vision zoom eyes to case the joint, but then you have a couple of beers with the boys and talk about that time you threw a hotdog at a car
anyway if you're playing an RPG but don't want to roleplay you might wanna play a wargame instead
but if you don't, maybe a point limit for augs, "medical science can only do so much", but throwing money at the problem helps so paying for better medical care lets you have more
would give you a way to balance player abilities so they can't be made of guns and also provide a progression path of doing jobs for money for better augs for more augs
but over all the big brain move here would be just stealing Eclipse Phase's stress system and changing things
I'm gonna say "this thread isn't about videogames" but if you're going to call me an SJW you probably didn't read most of this anyway
god now people are quote tweeting this and @-ing CDPR about a game they didn't make
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