This has been bothering me a lot since yesterday since there has been a lot of talk about Yoongi's journey, his pain & what he has gone through, why he is studying psychology and as a therapist, while I greatly appreciate the kind of man he has become, it irks me to see that +
his difficult past has lead him to be this person. To be it encourages the idea that the pain/trauma is needed to be empathetic/kind. This concept can be extremely damaging & make people rationalise their suffering that it'll make them kinder in some way. +
Yes,his difficult past may have encouraged him to want to help, I know cause that is my journey too but I will not credit my suffering with making me empathetic. How you deal with the pain & suffering, the support around you, how you are already as a person makes you empathetic.+
Pain/suffering also make people so aggressive & hateful, how would you explain that? You tweet these things out without clearly knowing the whole story of his journey (since we all are outsiders), & its so harmful, you don't even understand. +
I will never claim to know his pain & no one else can except yoongi himself. How he dealt with it/ deals with it is a credit to him & his efforts. And even when people turn to anger instead, maybe there a million things we aren't seeing. +
Please refrain from making any such mental health based statements without proper knowledge of the matter, especially if your reach is big. 🙏🏼
Sorry, there are a lot of grammatical errors. I didn't proof read because I was too worked up 😭
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