I honestly think that one of the big problems with a "civics education" as we understand it is that it's premised on the idea that the system as currently constituted is a good system and we have a duty to try to maintain it

Based on basically no evidence
And that the way they teach civics they make this such a fundamental assumption that thinking outside it is impossible

The idea of scrapping the US Constitution and starting over with a new one is this shocking unsayable proposal
We train kids on how to work within the system -- How do you win an election? How do you pass a bill? Even maybe how do you "realign" politics around a new party? -- but nothing more "extreme" than that

Even though this country was *founded* on a damn revolution
By deifying the Founding Fathers we both overlook all the flaws in what they did do and make doing it again seem impossible

*They* tore up the papers their whole system was based on and just wrote a new one

Why the hell can't we? Are they that much better than us?
There are bigger questions than "How do you win an election" and "How do you pass a bill"

"How do you dissolve a government and declare a new one? How do you write a constitution? How do you win a revolution with minimal bloodshed? How do you pull off a coup, if you have to?"
The bizarre thing is that if you think this is an awful, monstrous thing to do, WE ALREADY DID IT

The Brits at least have a more coherent reason to be kneejerk reactionaries -- their nonsense pageantry about the divine right of the monarch stretching back to damn medieval times
If you think overthrowing an old regime for a new one is an evil thing to do, you should be bending the knee to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

And if you think a bunch of people writing new rules is absurd hubris, rip up that Constitution you worship because that's all it is
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