It took me about 8 months of extensive investigation to unravel the truth behind the sudden rise of CESAREAN SECTION (CS) cases on pregnant women, at most private hospitals, clinics, & merternity centres in Lagos State. It is truly shocking.

Because of the large numbers of private health facilities involved in this Fraud, & for the sanity of innocent pregnant women in labour, i will not mention names. But i want @followlasg @jidesanwoolu @nmanigeria @Fmohnigeria @HEFAMAA_LASG to conduct investigation.

In recent times, over 50% of the women who go to, or register with private hospitals, clinics or merternity centres for child birth in Lagos State, are lied to concerning the delivery. @nmanigeria take note. They lie to them that, cesarean section (CS) would be required.

Whereas they were supposed to deliver naturally. 💔💔 An act which is against the general medical practice. @nmanigeria & @Fmohnigeria take note. The management or owners of these private hospitals, clinics, or merternity centres, lie to their patients for financial gains.

Ordinarily, delivery in most private hospitals, clinics, and merternity centres in Lagos State, rages between 20,000 naira, to 250,000 naira depending on the Location, and the name of facility involved. But with cesarean section (CS), it is between 150,000 to 1,000,000.

Cause of the high cost implications of conducting cesarean section (CS) at most private health facilities in Lagos State, the management & owners of these facilities are taking advantage of their profession as health service providers, to fraud unsuspecting pregnant women.

They hastily conclude that, the baby is too big, and that the woman can't push. That there will be complications, if she tries to deliver naturally. That mother and baby is not guaranteed after the delivery if it was natural. They mostly instill fear in their patients.

They do all of these, just to convince the woman or her family, to opt for cesarean section (CS). Which they will claim is the best, for the delivery, in order to save the life of the unborn child, and the mother. Stating it as a professional advice. Which are all lies.

Their targets, are mostly, first time pregnancies, or women who they perceive can afford the cost of cesarean section (CS). But if you are perceived to be poor, they allow you to deliver naturally. Except on extreme cases, where the management is just being wicked.

The most shocking in all of these is, some officials of @HEFAMAA_LASG and some members of @nmanigeria are part of these monumental Antenatal fraud ongoing in Lagos State. @followlasg and @jidesanwoolu please take note. My investigation reveals so.

99% of these facilities involved in Antenatal fraud in Lagos State, has the clearance & certificates of @HEFAMAA_LASG to operate in the state. But some of their facilities falls far below standards. Some of them are so dirty & unkempt, but they mostly operate a theatre.

They work with inside collaborators, at Alausa, who inform them whenever a monitoring team is about to visit, or supervisors are coming. 90% of private merternity centres in Lagos State, are owned and ran by Nurses & Midwives, without Doctors. But they now have theatres.

They mostly have doctors for hire. some are members of @nmanigeria or disgraced/suspended members of @nmanigeria that they work with to perform all of these cesarean sections.
Private merternity centres in Lagos State charge as high as 150,000 to 200,000 naira, per (CS)

From where they remit back as high as 50,000 to 100,000 naira to any doctor who performes the (CS). Just to add this up, some of these doctors perform 2 to 3 (CS) a day, at different facilities continuously.
These claims should be investigated especially within Agege LGA.

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