Given yesterday’s brilliant news, some thoughts on the campaign we need to get to mass vaccination, from the perspective of a campaigner 1/
2/ Accurate verified information matters. We need a central NHS resource that everyone links to, written to inform & motivate, with both light-touch & deeper info
3/ Trust in government matters. This programme must be built on transparency about everything - safety, procurement, prioritisation, pace (ie the opposite of test & trace)
4/ Leadership matters. Ministers must be ready to say “yes, I’ll get the jab when it is my turn”
5/ Audience testing matters. Who are the hesitant? Who are persuadable? Who are actively resistant? What messages work, and how do we get them to them? My hunches follow...
6/ Hunch: fear of loss is more motivating than prospect of gain. So the threat of not being able to travel or go to gigs without vaccination might drive take up
7/ Hunch: people need to know vaccination is quick, easy & supports a healthy lifestyle & immune system
8/ Hunch: a call out to people’s love for and desire to protect their family and friends. And talking it through seems to embed intention - so let’s encourage conversations
9/ Hunch: the key is people believing “people like me get vaccinated”, and normalising vaccination. That means mobilising the right advocates - from health professionals to celebs to religious leaders
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