It actually really bothers me how the military industrial complex only seems to get brought up in relation to the MCU.

I come from a time and place where the military actively recruited in schools. We got used to figuring out what hallway the recruiters were in to dodge em.
And they HOUNDED my ass. For the last two years of high school, they basically stalked me. I didn't realize at the time, but in hindsight, it was because I was their prime target type.

A large black male.

When a recruiter has their eye on you, they are relentless.
They would call my house and spin all sorts of sweet lies to my parents about how they'd pay for my college. How my whole career path would be laid out.

And hey, I was smart, I could do Military Intelligence!

That went on until my senior year. 2011.
Cause after 9/11 the recruiters got deployed too.

They just left up posters everywhere.

But I had friends in the class above me that signed up. Friends that were in ROTC.

Most got deployed my fresh year of college to combat.
And I watched those friends comeback over the years. Each one having lost something. Some, their lives.

At least half of the ones I know never got their G.I bill either. Cause of X reason.

My family is choked full of veterans that get ignored by the VA.
My uncle was a Vietnam vet who was another unarmed black man killed by the cops. You've never heard his name.

His story was buried deep in the Kansas City Star.

They never mentioned he was a vet.
So I have zero fucking love for the MIC. And I'm very, very aware of how they recruit and the lies they tell to seduce kids into.

You wanna talk about it? That's been had.

We gonna rip recruiter booths out of schools or just bitch about superhero movies?
Cause I tell you what.

My daughter's school has a fucking army recruiter there. And unless talking about propaganda in the MCU is going to REMOVE the very existential threat that is military recruitment of black, brown, and poor, I'm not interested.
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