One of the things that will restore peace in today's society is when our culture starts pushing for Long Term Relationships & Marriage.

Brief Thread👇🏾
Men & Women need to stop looking at the opposite sex as the enemy.

Relationships started to fall when men & women stopped looking at each other as partners and solution, but

As enemies or people who take each other for "what can I get from you".
And this is partly because we live among people with serious psychological trauma.

These people are now mostly among the radical Manosphere and Feminism.

Both groups tend to shame & criminize people who may want a healthy relationship.
Such people detest Relationships as a result of their past or current bad choices in who they date(d),

Or appear to be products of broken families.

For this, broken parents are raising broken children, and a long chain of broken people runs.
Apparently we need a lot of healing for both men & women so to create healthy relationships for us and the next generation
Even after that, we need to rediscover the importance of family, based on marriage, as a foundation of society.

Strong and good families cultivate strong and good society, and the two culminate to a strong and good nation.
However, from a man's reckoning, marriage seems like a threat to men.

(Especially those that highly hold great potential to go in for it)

The legislation and policies regarding divorce are biased toward men and have retarded men from marriage.

Many today thing it is useless.
With the introduction of no-fault-divorce,


female-centred child custody

and mandatory child support,

there's simply nothing in marriage for men.
To mitigate this, the law needs to be balanced.

If not, the laws too, stand in the way for a better society.
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